Due to recent pandemic situation, the cashless payment becomes a more popular trend. Visa (2019) finds that digital, non-cash payments is preferred by 71% of Hong Kong residents as paying electronically becomes easier and more widely available. Visa analyses that 53% of Hong Kong residents believe Hong Kong will become cashless within seven years. It shows that our life is affected and changed by the rapid development of technology, and payment is no exception. “Cashless society is defined as knowledge and usage of electronic payment services (E-Payment) in the country” (Paripunyapat and Kraiwanit, 2019). Types of E-payment is increasing, such as credit card, Apple Pay, and Octopus Pay. Owing to faster transaction, hygiene problem, and personal financial management, Hong Kong should be transformed into a cashless society.<br>It is clear that cashless payments can accelerate the process of transaction. During the calculation of banknotes and coins, it may have error. On the contrary, all process of being cashless is calculated automatically. Cashiers are only responsible for choosing which e-payment method consumers use. Customers are only required to scan the QR code or put their smartphone near the device for a while, and then the payment will be finished. It is more time saving, efficient, and accurate than using cash. It can decrease consumers’ complaint because of long waiting time and counting error. If there is argue or conflict, then consumers can check the record in their smartphone conveniently to confirm whether the value they pay is equal to price of the product or service. Eventually, it can be solved easily and quickly and assist to improve relationship with customers. Furthermore, higher quality service can be provided to customers and enhance their satisfaction toward the business. Gul (2014) expresses that “market profitability and share is positively correlated with customer loyalty and customer satisfaction”. Gul adds that “not only the customer satisfaction impacts on customer loyalty, but it performs the role of advertising of product or service in the form of word-of-mouth”. This indicates that enhancing customer satisfaction can retain current customers and establish a marvelous reputation to increase number of customers and extend the customer group to be wider. Then, the economic profit can be augmented. Thus, being cashless can quicken the process of business and raise customer satisfaction.<br>Additionally, cashless transaction can improve hygiene situation. Money can provide an indirect route for hand-to-hand contamination (Angelakis et al., 2014) so it can spread the virus indirectly. As Angelakis et al. explains, contaminated banknotes and coins are a public health risk when associated with the simultaneous handling of food, and currency may spread nosocomial infections. On the other hand, being cashless allows consumers to finish the payment by themselves so it can avoid others touching their phone and decrease the channel