About erected 2900 B.c. 2 29 B.c. the great of gizeh was engineering problems and undoubtedly involved P and stone bloeks. Some mathematical the structure covers 13 acres and contains over 2 000000 these stone averaging 2.5 tons in weight and very carefully fitted together. Of the blocks side were brought from sandstone quarries located on the other long and Nile. Chamber roofs Some are made of 54-ton granite blocks 27 feet 4 thick hauled from a quarry miles 600 away and set 200 feet above und. feet. Is It reported that the sides of the square base involve a relative error of less Thai 1/14000 and that the relative error in the right angles at the corners does not exceed 1/27000. Engineering The skill implied by these impressive statistics is considerably diminished when we realize that task the was accomplished by an army of laborers for working a period of 30 years.