Once the truck has passed over wiM-system sensors, axle load, axle-group load,<br>gross-vehicle weight, speed, and axle-spacing data are relayed instantly to the computer.<br>スケールハウス。 アププリテ・カルカンプ・ア・マデ・フォル・デ・テクティング・パーミシブル・アクシル・グループ・ロードス<br>according to bridge-formula. if any WIM システムの値は、トラスのロードまたは weight is found to を使用します。<br>exceed its respective legal limit, after appropriate tolerances have been allowed, an overhead<br>green-arrow traffic control signal directs the truck into alane where it will stop each axle<br>successively on a certified axle-load scale for legal determination for each axle load. if all WIMsystem values are found to be within the preset limits, an overhead green-arrow traffic control<br>signal indication directs は、ローカル のトゥラック to alane that returns it to interstate without stopping、 as<br>フィゲア5.2でショーン。 a red "X" traffic control signal indication is displayed simultaneously with<br>ビーチグリーンアローoverオターレーン ...