"Most businesses the crux of the problem, in fact, is Chief Executive of the enterprise itself; just as the children because the parents are the problem but actually". Many leaders have repeatedly complained that employee productivity is low, and unwilling to cooperate, there is no centripetal force and work ethic, but look carefully, most of the problem comes from the personality traits of a leader. The author James c. Hunter of servant leadership and Jim Collins from a to a + books with the same concept outlined in the fifth grade leader: a servant management emphasizes love as the starting point, but must maintain the high standards and requirements for excellence fifth-level leaders should have a heart and caring, but strong-willed, humble but brave and fearless. Leadership, servant leadership is not a weak or passive mode, but affect the people around, and create a culture of mutual trust. Author the management concepts into operational strategies, making each and every reader, can simply use the theory used successfully in their own organizations.