ABSTRACT - The Correct diagnosis and treatment of Helicobacter pylori gastric ar yr in controlling this infection. Objective - To compare the sysyd sydd sxioscopic gastric biopsies histose-stosin-eosin (H-E) staining, urease rapid and microthiothio culture for thioscoc Methods - Gastric biopsies from 115 adult patients (85 female/30 male) by-gogastroeu endoscopy and studied by histostosto stostou with h-e (antrum-corpus), urease test in 2hours (antrum) Results - Helicobacter pylori active infection wass dydd yn 67% of patients. Helicobacter pylori active infection is tha dystol with H-E, urease test and microbiological culture 87%, 79% and 70% of the positive cases, respectively. Tha was oedd sydd hestosiai with H-E and urease test test when bye with microbiological test (P ...