Volleyball history<br><br> The sport of Volleyball (Volleyball) was born since 1895 (1950) by Mr. William G. Morgan (William G. Morgan), director of the Physical Education of the Y.M.C.A. Association (Young Men's Christian Association), the United States who want to play sports in winter instead of outdoor sports for exercise and recreation ยามหิมะ.<br><br> By Mr. William G. Morgan's idea of developing volleyball sports While he was watching tennis and chose to bring a lattice of tennis, the stadium of the sport was a component in the sports that he searched for, and used the tyres in the basketball as the ball used to hit each other, but the tyres in the basketball return to the next light, so they switch to the basketball instead. The สเก็ is large and the weight is too big. So he ordered the ball to come new. In the circumference of 25-27 inches and set the weight to 8-12 oz, then name this sport as the Mintonette.<br><br> Later The name of the Mintonette is transformed into a volleyball (Volleyball) after being instructed by Professor Alfred T. (Professor Alfred T. Helstead) at the conference. At Springfield College (Spring-field College) in 1896 (1950) and became the most popular sport among American people to spread around the world, as well as improvements and developments in the period.