Their photos show the bypass actuator is neither in nor out, and also that there is a shutter fault. These are both symptoms of low pressure in the compressed air supply, so that is worth checking. If it goes wrong again it would be worth asking them to check the LC rack LED board and send us some pictures.There is indeed just the single elevated reading at the point where they report seeing a line.The error is not huge, so that would explain the small displacement in position which results in the cells looking ok, but the visual effect from a distance shows a faint line.This might be caused by the linear bearings or the bearings in the ballscrew sticking slightly. These things do happen. If they see more lines, then I’d certainly advise a little more fresh grease in the linear bearings and the ballscrew nut as the next step.It is impossible to say whether the line may have been caused by the linear encoder, rather than a mechanical reason.In most cases of linear encoder problems (either damage or contamination) the lines are very repeatable and happen in most if not all rollers at the same location in the bed.Current information seems to indicate a mechanical one off rather than linear encoder problems.