Third, when people feel the community support, will reduce rumination thinking (Nolen-Hoeksema & Davis, 1999), probably because they can get an understanding from these social support (such as a friend, co-worker or supervisor), different ideas and different experience to assist the conversion thinking, and even get answers. Workplace, if employees feel organizational support, that is, pay attention to the organization and the employee's contribution, as well as organizations concerned with the well-being of employees, under such circumstances, employees may be able to slow down the anxiety and rumination thinking. Studies have shown, for example, the unfinished task may cause rumination thinking, even during vacation, experiencing work-related clues in a non-work environment, may still cause interference effects (Hahn & Dormann, 2013) for leisure activities, as unfinished tasks work experience is a high demand (Syrek & Antoni, 2014), when the task is not completed, the staff will make it easier to fall into ruminant neurotic thinking. So if timely organization and managers demonstrate concern and encouragement, such as the transfer of employees assigned to the organization and coordination of the importance of the task, and even encourage employees to react to the troubled heart tissue, etc., ruminant think the staff could be reduced.