Singing<br><br>How do I join a collab?<br>From the Songbook, click on a song you want to sing. Then click on “View Invites.” You’ll see a list of invites to join a collab. Click on the “Join” button to join a collab and start singing with someone else. When you join a collab, you are adding your voice to other previously recorded singers. Joining collabs is free for everyone (except for some exclusive VIP-only songs)!<br>How do I start a collab?<br>From the Songbook, click on a song you want to sing. If the song is not free, you'll need to subscribe to get an All Access Pass. With an All Access Pass, you can sing ALL the songs.<br>After you select a song, press either “Duet” or “Group”:<br>Duet: Duets include two singers, starting with you. When you start a duet, other singers can join, and each join will result in a new recording. Whenever someone joins your duet, their voice will be added to yours, and a new collab will be created which appears on both your profiles.<br>Group: When you start a group, many different singers can join you, and the result will be one single collab. Who knows, you may end up with more than 100 singers on your collab!<br>What does it mean to follow someone?<br>When you follow other singers, their activities will show up in your feed, and they may invite you to join their collabs. To follow someone, simply tap the “Follow” button on their profile.<br>What is the difference between Public and Private when saving a recording?<br>When you save your recording, you choose whether to make the recording public or private. A public recording is discoverable and joinable by other singers, while a private recording can only be seen and joined by singers you share it with.<br>How do I invite other singers to join my collabs?<br>If your collab is set as public, you can choose to invite all your followers; they will see your invite in their invites notification list. After saving, you have the option to send invites personally via message to other singers or to your existing group chats. Singers you invite personally will receive a chat message from you with a link to the invite. After you’ve saved your collab, it will show up under the “Invites” tab on your profile. From there, you can invite additional singers to join you later by clicking the “Invite Singers” button.<br>Why can't I follow more singers?<br>Due to the growing popularity of Sing!, we've added some following limits to protect users from spam. The limits are:<br>Every user can follow 2,000 singers with no limit. Once a user has followed 2,000 singers, the number of additional singers an account can follow is limited by the number of singers following that account. For example, if 5,000 singers follow you, you can follow 5,000 singers, but not 10,000 or 100,000.<br>A user cannot follow more than 1,000 singers in a single day.<br>What happened to my credits?<br>We no longer support credits within Sing! Karaoke on iOS. If you had a large credit balance, please contact Smule support.<br><br>All Access Pass<br><br>What is an All Access Pass?