Xie Xienan uphold the Arts in this era of high-speed torrent unique spirit of self field, providing endless nutrients author shaping a more distinctive personal style, multi-course on campus, so it absorbed the activities to hit different areas of thinking, experience more unexpected for the arts. This school days, is to become the most fortunate coincidence Fang teacher student, you always create the Department of the author's heart situation, but also provide valuable part of every learning experience, as much as possible to teach more about "contemporary animation" to the author, though underclassmen who have to keep up with the pace of your teaching, even I also had a difficult pre-proposal, but overtaken by events after the discovery, with the intention of reminding teachers are attentive care and thought, moronic not regret their qualification early detection of. Thank you for teaching animation with up to another level, so I can continue to learn in order to grow, you are the author of the study from small to big time most like a teacher's teacher. <br>During this time the most satisfying thing, to have the opportunity to meet teachers in different areas, so I can teach through the teacher's expertise around enjoying animation and video which, the author of this medium to enhance a deeper more enthusiasm. This opportunity also to thank the students meet, Jun Bo, Lu egg, Zhen Lin, Yan Xin ... and so, thank you for help, without your support, this would have been a very hard time creation, writing in the past, because you are the author stronger. <br>Finally, the happiest, the author is given the full support of his family, so I can devote themselves to learning carefree, desperate to pursue a dream, this tour creative journey of learning can be successfully completed, you are the biggest player, thank you.