This study investigated the habits of female students regarding make-up use, and quantifies the microbiological contamination of mascaras worn by this population.<br><br>To this end, 44 students answered a structured uestionnaire to evaluate the use of expired make-up, shared usage and reports of adverse effects. Subsequently, make-up samples were collected to check the manufacturing registration and the expiration date and its visibility on the label. The total counts of microorganisms and identification of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus<br>aureus in mascara samples collected were performed as described in the Brazilian Pharmacopea (4th edition<br><br>According to the results obtained, 97.9 % (43/44) of participants reported that they use or have previously used makeup after the expiration date, with mascara being the most frequently mentioned product. It was observed that on the sample collection date, 70.5% (31/44) of the students had some type of expired make-up. The microbiological analysis of 40 mascara samples revealed 2.54 1.76 104 UFC mL1 bacteria and 2.55 1.54 104 UFC mL1 fungi. Analysis revealed the presence of S. aureus in 79% of samples and of P. aeruginosa in 13%