These are some of the benefits of strategic planning, including:<br>One Establish internal and external people to establish better communication, promote plan coordination, and increase company participation.<br>It's a way to better motivate and share the vision for the future. People need motivation to go to work and feel like part of the team. It turns out that employees are the biggest source of innovative ideas. So if a five-year plan is made, it will have a great impact on the team.<br>Two Provide greater understanding of the planning process<br>Consensus and goals can be easily reached in the plan<br>Three Allocate resources appropriately to activities that provide maximum benefits<br>For example, an activity that appeals to the public<br>4. Identify and analyze available opportunities and potential threats.<br>Can reduce the impact of the scheme<br>5. Be able to set more realistic goals that are more demanding but can be achieved.<br>