(1) the so-called p.25
, which is often called the abstract concept. Abstract the concept of
have different hierarchical structure, which relates to the specific physical concept itself differently. For example, the table is a concrete concept; however, the personality is a very abstract concept, it is difficult to be specific. The abstract concepts such as these are often referred to as a structure. In other words, in order to develop a clear idea of an image or an abstract idea in order to study or base on the purpose of constructing a theory, a concept is called a structure. Especially in our attempt to convey the idea or image, can not be directly observed by the time, by blending more simple, more specific concepts,We set up a structure. Multiple concepts form the structure surface.
(2) operational definition of p.26
operational definition is defined as the definition of the specific criteria, as the basis for verification or measurement. And these exclusive nouns must be referred to the empirical criteria (i.e., we must be able to calculate, measure, or gather information in other ways). Regardless of the definition of the object is the entity or a high degree of abstraction, it is necessary to explain the characteristics and the way of observation. Specifications and procedures must be very clear, so that no one can use the same way to perform.
(3) the causal hypothesis p.32, 33
also called the explanatory hypothesis,A change in the presence or change of a variable that can cause or lead to a change in another variable. The reason is generally called the independent variable (IV), the other is called the dependent variable (DV). The independent variable is not the only factor in the existence or change of a variable. When the hypothesis is put forward and explained, the researcher must think about the direction of influence. And these are generally observed by variable properties.
(3) can be validation verification p.37 38 (I can't too to answer > <)
means can through sensory experiences and inductive logic (Mathematics and Statistics), guided by observations and proposition. Focus on the "positive".
(5) deductive method and inductive method p.38, 39
- deductive method
is a conclusion of the debate: must follow known reason to conclude. These reasons imply the conclusion and represent the evidence. Compared with the inductive method, the reason and the conclusion is stronger. In order to make the interpretation of the results correct, these reasons must be true and effective. For example, all of the people will die (reason), Socrates is human, so Socrates will die (conclusion). Inductive
is conclusion is put forward according to one or more specific facts or evidence, and the reason and the conclusion of connectivity as deductive method then. This conclusion explains these facts,And facts support this conclusion. But the conclusion is only a hypothesis, but a kind of explanation, there are still other explanations can also be consistent with the fact.
for example, blacks have a nose; whites had a nose; yellow also has a nose; so long as it is people have a nose.