JT just discussed with the bill next Wednesday (your Tuesday) board of directors, mainly following motion, please prepare proposals based on the following slides give me any questions please put forward as soon as possible to discuss <br>Matters to BE Reported: <br>1.To at The Confirm The minutes of at the Last Board Meeting and Review at the the Follow-up Actions. <br>1.1 Marketing Implementation Plan: AB Aero Partners, how to help CSC to find suitable CSC's Sales / Marketing / the Customer <br>1.2 for Inventory, Improvement Plan: <br>(1) Changing BOM and UOM ON Paints / Chemicals Adhesives <br>(2) the MRB Process Checklist / the Add the MRB Operation to the MO apos <br>(. 3) the Move The Obsolete the Inventory (the MD INTO Room) <br>(. 4) Review Slow-Moving the Inventory <br>1.3 the Calculate new new BREAK-the even Point based ON Current Status and Report in Next the BOD Meeting. <br>Proposed Resolutions &: <br>1.2019 at budget the Summary <br>1.1 over the next three years other customers of the business plan (the next three years to provide customers other revenue and market planning) <br>1.2 2020 budget<br>a.2020年预算损益表与2019 and 2018, the estimated number of actual comparison <br>b.2020年客户别的预算损益表<br>c.2020年预估现金流量<br>2.Renew at The Citi Bank Loan Agreement of <br>2.1 CSC has Applied . for a loan credit line of US $ 7,000,000 with Citibank and intends to renew the loan for operation needs Detail as below: