At The Next FEW Days, All of His-Family refused The to Visit HIM, only His-SISTER Grete Willing to Clean His-Room and Sent Food for HIM Every Day, and Gregor apos only Pastime INTO A Wall or ceiling to Climb Four the observe His-own Room.
Time or in the past, whenever Gregor wanted to take the room, he saw his parents were gagged and put back his room. However, Gregor did not work, the whole family's economy began to trouble, so his fat father went to a bank to work, and His-SISTER IS A Woman to Become A Salesman.
One Day, the when Gregor apos Mother to GET INTO His-Room, Moving Furniture's the when of He Makes Home Track and Climb Walls. His-Mother SAW HIM and Felt Very SICK, SO Faint. the When Father Came Home , Grete told her father Gergor ran out , Gregor's father extremely angry, so his father picked up the table began to throw apples at him. Groger climbed to the cabinet. Although his mother and sister strongly discouraged, but still has a small apple stuck in at The Back of Gregor apos Future Decay Caused by His-Big Wound.
of Course,, the After at The Parents Feel A Little Guilty, and THEREFORE Agreed: AT Dinner, you CAN Open A GAP Gregor apos Room SO of He Could Hear at The Sound of conversation the BETWEEN Family Members, But will not be too lonely.