Collection and incubation of corals Between January 1993 and May 1996146 colonies of Porites astreo- ides were collected from four locations in the northern Florida Keys (see Table 1 for locations dates, and numbers). Most (127) these colonies were of of the yellow/green morph. Brown colonies Nineteen were collected in winter or late summer months as colonies which were accessible during these months were mostly brown.. Only months The in which corals were not collected prior to the new moon in at least one year were February and November (Table 1). Colonies were easily removed Intact from the reef using a hammer and cold chisel. Colonies that would Only fit within a piece of 15 diameter PVC cm pipe were collected. Colonies were transported to the University of Miami hatchery facility on Virginia Key where they were maintained in aerated, flow-through outdoor, seawater sys- tems, underneath a UV-absorbing (Lexan) shelter. Larvae were found in No the collection or transportation containers. Preliminary