A chorus of acclamation rose from all the Hogwarts students as carriages pulled by flying horses came into view in the sky from the southeast."Cor! That'd be amazing!" Hermione held back her smile. That had been none other than George Weasley.Followed closely by his brother Fred. "I wonder if we'd be able to take a peek inside one? To see if it's the carriages or the horses that make them fly?""Hush!" Professor McGonagall demanded, her voice carrying through the light breezes. "Manners, boys. Manners."The carriages landed safely, one by one, until all were on the ground. Only then did the lead carriage open to disgorge a woman who rivaled Hagrid in size. "Madam Maxime!" Dumbledore called, sounding formal and flirtatious all in one. Hand outstretched, he reached the extremely tall woman and kissed her offered hand. "Welcome to Hogwarts.""Merci, Albus," the lady said, her French accent heavy. "Venez tous!" she called.The other carriages opened simultaneously and Hermione could not repress her smile that time, for it seemed almost every male student over the age of twelve was gaping a the pretty girls who emerged from the blue vehicles of Beauxbatons."Welcome, welcome," Dumbledore called, bowing to them all as they lined up to curtsy to him."Welcome!" The greeting came in English, French, and even a few other tongues from students in Ravenclaw, likely, who were showing off."Wonder if they're all experts at French kissing?" Malfoy murmured slyly somewhere off to Hermione's right.Then, young men came out of the carriages! Hogwarts girls erupted in a soft wave of appreciation for the handsome lads who had been asked to represent their school. Attired in suits a darker blue than the carriages, the young men bowed to Dumbledore before stepping in between the girls, so that they were alternating male and female."A fine introduction," Hermione remarked under her breath. "Very impressive.""Indeed," her Head of House murmured.Another round of "Bienvenue!" and "Welcome!" sounded from the Houses. Even Patrice Urquhart called out her own welcome to the newcomers.She'll die of shock if one of them turns out to be a half-blood, Hermione thought with a sneer.Dumbledore was in the process of ushering the French students out of the windy evening, letting them know of the accommodations made for them and where they'd be seated for the Welcome Feast, when a huge sucking sound preceded a splash from the Black Lake."Wow," Hermione whispered as an enormous vessel rose up, shedding water, from the lake. She didn't hear any motors or anything, but it could only be powered by magic, right? The ship let down a gangway to the shore in a very short amount of time while all of her schoolmates watched, agape, as did the Beauxbatons students, whispering and exclaiming in French."Severus, join me in welcoming our brethren from Durmstrang!" Dumbledore invited, though his tone was nothing short of commanding.Professor Snape sighed softly, then straightened his shoulders. "Of course, Headmaster." The two men strode to meet the imposting, fur-coated figure of a man who stalked down the gangway to the ground. Their words were impossible to hear as the lake was rather at an inconvenient distance, but Hermione saw soon enough that the students could be appreciated regardless."Krum!""Who?" Hermione asked of the open air."Ignorant Mudblood!" Malfoy's voice carried every ounce of elitism he could muster, she was sure. He daren't attack her, she thought. Not in a public place with guests arriving. "Viktor Krum is only one of the best Quidditch Seekers in the world. He played for Bulgaria in the World Cup this past summer. I," the boy went on, smoothing his hair back with a smile, "was able to attend. My father had box seats.""Thank you, Malfoy," she replied, keeping her voice cool.She remembered Professor Snape had referred to a man named Karkaroff and she wondered if the first man was him, for he and her Head of House were still speaking. Krum was right next to that man, his face set in stern lines, as if he had a duty to do. It was a nice face, though. Strong, she thought, if not particularly handsome.Filing out of the ship, two by two, were the rest of the Durmstrang students. They all looked older, more mature, be they boys or girls. They all wore blood red capes lined with fur. All had black boots. She paid careful heed, though, for they all walked as if they were shielded against attack.It was a familiar feeling."Come," Professor Snape said as he swept by their House. "Introductions will wait. For now, let us make our guests welcome at the fine table of Slytherin.""Yes, sir!"And, seemingly following the stern example set by their guests, Hermione and all her House marched right back into the castle and the Great Hall, where a Welcome Feast was already appearing on the tables.Roast pork was sliced on pewter platters, accompanied by a