A、生平西元 1809達爾文出生於英國書茲伯利,他的祖父伊拉斯謨斯·達爾文是一位詩人、醫生,也是早期提出類似演化觀念的學者之一。達爾文在舒茲的英文翻譯

A、生平西元 1809達爾文出生於英國書茲伯利,他的祖父伊拉斯謨斯·達

A、生平西元 1809達爾文出生於英國書茲伯利,他的祖父伊拉斯謨斯·達爾文是一位詩人、醫生,也是早期提出類似演化觀念的學者之一。達爾文在舒茲伯力受到基本的教育後,前往愛丁堡大學修習醫學,但是他討厭醫學,並且忽略了他的課業。西元 1827 年,他進入劍橋大學基督學院學習神學,那時,他與表兄威廉˙達爾文˙福克斯一起收集了很多植物的、昆蟲的與礦石的標本。透過表兄的介紹,他認識了他的科學啟蒙老師,約翰˙史帝文斯˙亨斯洛,他不僅鼓勵達爾文對科學的熱誠,並為達爾文保留了一個以自然學家的身分參與小獵犬號到南美洲南端旅行的機會。達爾文將這套旅程中的資料加以整理發表,這些發表使他一躍成為當時頂尖的科學家之一。1844 年,達爾文將它大量的筆記整理成了曠世巨著《物種起源─物競天擇》,1859年發表。雖然引起了當時歐洲人廣泛的興趣,但是由於其中的內容與當時的歐洲天主與基督教的創造論不同,使達爾文受到無盡的嘲笑和詆毀,欣慰的是,大部分科學家都能接受他的概念。
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結果 (英文) 1: [復制]
A, life <br>AD 1809 book Darwin was born in England Zibo Li, his grandfather Erasmus Darwin was a poet, a doctor, is similar to one put forward the idea of the evolution of the early scholars. Darwin after Shu Zibo force by basic education, to the University of Edinburgh medical practice, but he hates medicine, and ignored his schoolwork. AD 1827, he entered Christ's College to study theology, when he gathered with his cousin William Darwin ˙ ˙ Fox a lot of plants, insects and ore specimens. Through introduction cousin, he met his science teacher, John ˙ ˙ Stevens Henslow, he not only encouraged Darwin passion for science, and Darwin retained in his capacity as a naturalist participation terrier No to the southern tip of South America the opportunity to travel. Darwin will this journey kind of information published, which published his became one of the top scientists at that time. In 1844, Darwin will sort out its copious notes became the enduring masterpiece, "The Origin of Species ─ natural selection," published in 1859. While Europeans attracted widespread interest at the time, but different because the contents with the then European God and Christianity creationist, Darwin subject of endless ridicule and slander, good news is that most scientists can accept his concept.
結果 (英文) 2:[復制]
A, life<br>Born in 1809 in the English book Oftlebury, his grandfather, Erasmus Darwin, was a poet, doctor and one of the early scholars who came up with similar ideas of evolution. Darwin went to the University of Edinburgh to study medicine after receiving a basic education at Schudsbury, but he hated medicine and neglected his studies. In 1827, he studied theology at Christ's College, Cambridge University, where he collected specimens of plants, insects and ores with his cousin William Darwin Fox. Through his cousin's introduction, he met his science enlightenment teacher, John Stevens Henslow, who not only encouraged Darwin's passion for science, but also reserved darwin's opportunity to join the Terrier as a naturalist on his journey to the southern tip of South America. Darwin collated the data from the journey, which made him one of the top scientists of the day. In 1844, Darwin organized a large number of his notes into a great book, The Origin of Species - The Race for Nature, published in 1859. Although it aroused the wide interest of Europeans at the time, Darwin was subjected to endless ridicule and denigration because of its differences from the creationism of the European Gods and Christianity at that time, and thankfully most scientists accepted his concept.
結果 (英文) 3:[復制]
A, life<br>Born in shuzbury, England in 1809, Darwin's grandfather, Erasmus Darwin, was a poet, doctor and one of the early scholars who put forward the concept of evolution. Darwin went to Edinburgh University to study medicine after schulzberg received basic education, but he hated medicine and ignored his studies. 1827 In, he went to Christian College of Cambridge to study theology. At that time, he and his cousin William Darwin fox collected many specimens of plants, insects and minerals. Through the introduction of his cousin, he met his science enlightenment teacher, John Stevens Henslow. He not only encouraged Darwin's enthusiasm for science, but also preserved a natural environment for Darwin As a scientist, he participated in the opportunity for beagle to travel to the southern tip of South America. Darwin compiled and published the data of the trip, which made him one of the top scientists at that time. 1844 In 1859, Darwin compiled a large number of his notes into a masterpiece "the origin of species - natural selection", which was published in 1859. Although it aroused widespread interest in Europe at that time, because its content was different from the creationism of God and Christianity in Europe at that time, Darwin was ridiculed and slandered endlessly. It is gratifying that most scientists can accept his concept.<br>
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