My most memorable thing.<br><br>This thing my mood fluctuated from<br>Look forward to sad miss<br><br>It happened the year I joined the army, and i bet on my parents before I got to success.<br>And say goodbye to my 14-year-old dog.<br>Tell them, iimplore us to see you again.<br>Finally hope that the day of the dear will come<br>This is the day to meet with the family and Myru.<br>The family came only to see my old Miru.<br>I asked Mom, where's the dog?<br>He took it at home.<br>Because you can't bring a cell phone.<br>When I started my sister-in-law told me That Miru was gone today.<br>It turned out that the family was afraid I was sad and chose to hide the news of the death.<br>It's very sad right now, but in front of my family and my colleagues.<br>You can't express your sad emotions.<br>has been forced to bear the emotion to leave the new training center<br>I told my family not to go home.<br>I'm going to see the old girl first.<br>My whole family went straight to the pet store.<br>See the cold old mither's body.<br>I asked him angrily.<br>Not that good people come to me together.<br>Why did you go first?<br>Although I'm still angry he didn't wait for me.<br>But also understand that he is old.<br>He must be trying very hard to wait for me to come home.<br>If I could still say a word to him,<br>I want to talk to him.<br>It's been hard, it's a good way.<br>Give my baby to be my son.