C omplete 5 year s of proposed observation perio d<br>⚫ D eath<br>⚫ T h e subject lost to follow up<br>⚫ Voluntary discontinuation by the subject. T h e subject is at any time free to<br>discontinue his /her participation in this st udy, without prejudice to further treatment.<br>⚫ Investigator’s decision to withdraw the subject<br>Patients may withdraw from the study at any time at their own request, or they may be<br>withdrawn at any time at the discretion of the investigator or sponsor for s a fet y, behavioral,<br>or administrative reasons. In any circumstance, every effort should be made to document<br>subject outcome, if possible. The investigator should inquire about the reason for<br>withdrawal and follow up with the subject regarding any unresolved adv erse events. If the<br>patient withdraws from the study, and also withdraws consent for discl osure of future<br>information, no further evaluations should be performed, and no additional data should be<br>collected. The sponsor may retain and continue to use an y da ta collected before such<br>withdrawal of con sent.<br>10. D ata an alysis<br>T<br>he baseline patient characteristics , treatment agents, t rea tment response and genetic profi ling<br>will<br>be analyzed by descript ive statistics in different su bpopulation (for EGFR /ALK<br>m uta tion vs wild type) type). The association be tw ee n genetic mutations and su r vival will be analyzed by<br>Log rank test and Cox proportional hazard model.<br>11. Common Term inology Criteria for Adverse Events V 5 .0 (<br>The descriptions and grading scales found in the revised NCI Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE) version 5.0 will be utilized for adverse event reporting. (http://ctep.cancer.gov/reporting/ctc.html)<br>12. A dministrative aspects<br>1 2. 1. Data Qual ity Assurance<br>A<br>uthorized represent atives of Taiwan Cooperative Oncology Group , a regulatory autho rity, or<br>the Independent