Chapter 5 Partnering with Families of Students at Risk for Emotional and Behavioral Disorders <br>Maureen Conroy, Kim McKnight, and Kevin Sutherland <br>Abstract Students' early experiences at school and home are critical to their social, emotional, and behavioral development. Research has found that family engagement in their child's school experience can positively impact a child's educational experience. Unfortunately, research has also demonstrated that teachers and families of students who engage in chronic problem behavior are less likely to develop positive relationships with their teachers. The purpose of this chapter is to describe the BEST in CLASS-Elementary Home-School Partnership (HSP) designed to sup port teachers, students who engage in chronic problem behaviors, and family members to create positive home-school relationships and communication. First, an overview of the development process of the BEST in CLASS-Elementary HSP component is described. Next, a description of the HSP component is provided. Finally, results from a pilot investigation are shared.