Cardiac skeleton is composed mainly of dense connective tissue and composs of the annuli fibrosi, the trigonum fibrosum, and the septum membranaceum.<br>Cardiac valves are composed of dense fibrous tissue ed ddydby endothelium. Uni-flow is maintained from the the.<br>Right atrium to the right ventricle (tricuspid valve).<br>Right ventricle to the pulmonary artery (pulmonic semilunar valve). Left atrium to the left ventricle (mitral/bicuspid valve).<br>Left ventricle to the aorta (aortic semilunar valve).<br>Tricuspid and mitr al valves are attached to papilay muscles by cords of fibrous connective tissue (shoda tendineae) and prevent reflux of the blood into the atria ventr inforinol Semilunar valves (aortic and pulmonic) prevent reflux of the blood back into the ventricles infyr infyrin<br>Impulse system of the heart of the home of the home of the one of the cardiac myocytes at the right by-automatic and rhythmicity (i. e., and the possess of the ness to the head heart beats). These specialized cells are located in the si-noatrial (SA) node (pacemaker), intern-odal tracts, atrioventr (AV) node, AV bundle (of His), left and right bundle branches, and notaandus s branches to the left and right lls. Impulse ei ing myocytes are in contact with ar ar y sylweddol iocytes via tse junctions. Specialized wide-diameter-to-carly-in-cell cells (Purkinje myocy-tes), with great lydmyd myofilament components, are-velo-adapted to an information velocity. They rapidly deliver the wave of depolarization to ventrini myocytes. ...