For the in situ incorporation of Laponite RD into the DAP hydrogel, a required amount of the hydrogelator (6.0% DAP, w/v) was<br>added in aqueous Laponite RD dispersion with the concentration<br>of 1.0% (w/v) under magnetic stirring at room temperature. The<br>resultant mixture was then heated until DAP was dissolved completely. The aqueous DAP/Laponite RD system was subsequently<br>cooled in air to room temperature, resulting in the formation of a<br>hybrid hydrogel. In a similar way, the neat DAP gel was prepared<br>in the absence of Laponite RD by keeping other preparation conditions to be the same. Fig. 1 gives the schematic illustration for<br>the preparation of the supramolecular hydrogels without and with<br>Laponite RD.