The To Whom is IT On May Concern, <br>WE are A Sports Agent in Taiwan, the I'm Benny Tsai, Agent of Taiwan. <br>Knowing that B League Will Open Next Season, each Team CAN have have AN Asian Player. <br>It apos My Pleasure to introduce some of Our Basketball Players from Taiwan. <br> Chen Kuan-Chuan 198 ã nn chi / 120 ki ro <br>Taiwan National Team Starters <br> Lee TE-Wei 203 ã nn chi / 120 ki ro <br>Fixed Member of Taiwan National Team <br> Hsieh, Zong-Rong 200 is ã nn chi / 100 ki ro <br>New generation Taiwan national team center <br> Chien wei-ju 185 ã nn chi / 80 ki ro <br>Former Taiwan National Team Player, Good Three Point Guard <br> Yan Ming-Fang 205 ã nn chi / 105 ki ro <br>Former the CBA Players <br>(Please REFER to The Attachment for More Player Data and Video links)<br>By the HAVING Figures in Taiwanese the Players in your Team, Believe IT by Will Help at The Team's strength. <br>The If you have have the any specific Requirement for at The the Players, Please do not Hesitate to the let Me know. <br>It Would BE helpful for US to Understand your Needs SO that WE CAN the Recommend the Players to you Suitable. <br>Thanks for your Time Reading the this Email. the Looking Forward to Hearing from you. <br><br>Merry Christmas & Happy New Year <br><br><br>Regards, <br>Benny