For in vivo metabolism to provide energy and providing precursor for synthesis of amino acids. According to the Coenzyme specificity, IDH in nature can be divided into two categories, NAD--dependent IDH (EC1.1.1.41, NAD-IDH) and NADP--dependent IDH (EC1.1.1.42, NADP-IDH). NADP-IDH can be classified as Homo-Dimer in shape and haplotype in two forms. Most eukaryotes and prokaryotes contain Homo-Dimer NADP-IDH, a small number of bacteria containing the monomer NADP-IDH. NAD-IDH Homo-dimerization and Heterologous polymer exists in two forms. Eukaryotic NAD-IDH heterogeneous polymers, some bacteria and Archaea NAD-IDH or cognate Dimer