A Mass Sales going to the After Store of Home Electronics, the I bought vegetables and Wentworth to A Pharmacy.
The I to Wentworth for Buying Smart Phone Holder Slighter.
The I've been the this for the About A Thinking the while.
Because the I Wanted A A Digital Camera for the while, IT WAS Inexpensive. THEREFORE IT has been bought. haha
the I bought A SET of A Standard Lens, telephoto Lens 400mm, 1 Wide-Angle Lens and A Spare Battery and A Camera Box.
Varian Vacuum Cleaner KARCHER for Windows Also bought IT AT AN Addition.
I will go home electronic products, large-scale sales shop, and I bought a dish, to the pharmacy.
I buy a smart phone holder.
I've been on this for some time.
Because I want a digital camera for a while, very cheap. Therefore, it has been acquired. Haha
I bought a standard lens, telephoto lens 400 mm, wide-angle lens and a spare battery and camera frame.
Karcher vacuum cleaner to windows also buy it to add.