A Sam le sentences<br>The MD is to visit the plant on Monday.<br>There is no doubt t the company is performance driven.<br>It is very very to estimate t size of the market.<br>For the forms of verb be, see Unit 24.<br>MIJ-i-i<br>1. We use the construction be to:<br>to indicate what must or must not must happen:<br>Applications are to be submitted in duplicate by May 23.<br>to indicate what what want s:<br>Construction of the pipeline is to start in 2012.<br>to indicate what is going to to happen:<br>Selection for interview is to be made by a panel of managers.<br>to indicate what cannot or can not not happen:<br>The company is in the hands of the receiver. There's nothing to be done.<br>This construction is widely used in formal in formal sits as as sdirectives,<br>and memos to indicate it an action is fixed either in time by by-obligation.<br>2. It is versus there is<br>Compare the s sentences:<br>Have given aid to the banks, it is time to help companies and protect jobs. (now)<br>Don't worry. There is time to companies helps and protect jobs. (enough time)<br>'It is' time to do something means 'we must do it now'; 'there is time to do something'<br>Means 'there is still enough time to do it'.<br>Now compare s the sentences:<br>A: Have you visited theirs head office?<br>B: Yes, it's in New York now, isn't it? (the head office)<br>A: Do you know theirs management structure?<br>B: Not really.<br>A: Well, there is an MD supported by a Finance Manager. (There exists an MD.<br>A: We can sell more of the product.<br>B: I know, beh hand-crafted, it is not easy to increase production.<br>(To to the production is not easy.<br>In the first exchange it refers to information that has already has been hased, i.e. the head<br>Office. In the second exchange there sings new information - the car<br>There. The word there has no no specific synosd; it indicates that the key information will<br>follow, i.e. the management structure that b dosn't know.<br>cf A: Do you know theirs management structure?<br>B: Yes, it's quite simple, isn't it? (B already knows 'it'.)<br>In the third exchange, the it is an 'empty it'. In order to give more will to this<br>information (that to find office space is not easy), we need to put it at the end of the<br>sentence (see Unit 23, C2), resulting in the 'empty it' construction. Information at the<br>end of a sentence carries more emphasis.<br>3. There can be follow-up by-a singular plural verb form, sing on the subject:<br>Leed in the review, there was was a package of the stos to support small businesses.<br>There was 100 union members and the sorfors inside the plant, and another 750 outside. ...