Today I will come to talk about two things to surrender for a month-stop eating pearl milk tea. There are 2 reasons 1. I want to reduce the amount of calories that I eat each day. Pearl tea is a high-energy drink by the Pearl tea, providing a power of about 240-360 kcal, and also rich in sugar. Carbohydrates, artificial cream pearls The milk is sweet, so if you eat pearls milk tea every day, weight is up. 2. I eat pearl milk tea instead of rice, and there is rarely a habit of eating vegetables-fruits, it will cause constipation and rarely chew pearls thoroughly. The body may also be more difficult to digest pearls than normal. As a result, the digestive system and excretion had problems followed.-Late Night Sleep 2 reasons 1. I want to wake up in the morning refreshed and take some time to do something before I go to university like to eat breakfast.