THE HISTORY of ACADEMIC DEGREES. The origin of degrees comes from European universities of the 13th-century, which faculties organized i guilds. Members of the faculties had a license for teaching, and degrees were their professional certification. There was originally only one degree in European higher education, that of .. master- or .doctor The bachelor's degree, was a stage ard (no IO) the emaster's degree and was given to a candidate who studied the necessary texts in the grammar, rhetoric [retarik], and logic for three or four years and successfully passed examinations. So, the holder of the bachelor's degree finished the first stage of academic life and could study now for the degree of emaster or doctor After completing those studies, he was examined by a special board (koMHccins) and, received a .master's or doctor's degree, which gave him the right to join the teachers' guild and was a certificate of fitness (coorBercTa e) to teach at any university. Today the terms «master -doctor and professor signify different levels of academic achievement, but initially they were equivalent terms. The degree of doctors of civil la given at the University of Bologna in the second half of the 12th century, and similar degrees came into existence in medicine, grammar, logic, and philosophy, At the University of however, the term master was more commonly used, and the English universities of oxford and Cambridge adopted the Parisian system. In many universities, the certified